- Neck & Back Pain
- Hip pain & Sciatica
- Foot & Ankle Pain/Sprain
- Osteo-arthritic Aches
- Pre & Post Operative Physio
- Tennis & Golfers Elbow
- RSI and Wrist Pain
- Mobility

- Soft tissue injury
- Joint and Muscle Pain
- Tendonitis
- Rehabilitation Programme
- Exercise Programme
- Functional Movement Analysis
- Foot Mechanics assessment
- Orthotics

With prior arrangement, we are able to offer home and care home visits within 5 miles of Henfield.
These range from home, mobility and exercise assessments or all three.
Home visits are time consuming and include travel. An average home or care visit will be 2 hours including travel time. Please ask us for more details.
We provide ‘Hands On’ physiotherapy using the assistance of Acupuncture, Ultrasound, Shockwave Therapy and Exercise Therapy
using the software such as rehabmypatient.